Welcome to St.Paul's Church

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Sunday morning service

Service time 10:45am

1st Sunday in the month – Family Service
2nd Sunday in the month – Holy Communion
3rd Sunday in the month – Morning Prayer
4th Sunday in the month – Holy Communion
5th Sunday in the month – Family Communion

Halliwell Befriending Service

Co-ordinators: Jackie Hallen, Lisa Rayner, Natalie Lee, Emma Carcione

E:mail: halliwellbefriending@gmail.com

Office location: St Paul’s Community Room, Halliwell Road, Bolton. BL1 8BP. Tel: 01204 840808 (24hr answer phone).

Office hours are 9 am and 2pm

What we do:

  • one to one  visits for the housebound or isolated living in the BL1 area (over 50’s)
  • sit-in visits for carers ( upto 3hrs)
  • Day trips
  • Keep you informed of what’s going on in your community

Luncheon Dates:

Luncheon Venue:

St Paul’s Community Centre on alternate mondays 11-30am 2pm

Activity Group on the alternate Monday 12am 2pm 

Craft group every Tuesday.1pm -3pm

Breakfast club with digital drop-in every Thursday  9-30am-11-30 am


Contact: jordanralexandra@gmail.com

Meeting is held at St Pauls Church (Top School) Friday evenings 5.45-7.00pm.
If anyone is interested in joining please do so via the join us website enquiryym.girlguiding.org.uk and select 17th Bolton Rainbows.

A new girl receives the Rainbow flip book. The first side of this book is Ready for Rainbows, designed to help her understand what Rainbows is all about. It contains lots of fun drawing and colouring activities, and a story featuring a Rainbow called Olivia.

The Rainbow activity programme
The Rainbow Jigsaw has four areas: Look Learn Laugh Love

Look: We encourage girls to look around them and learn about their own environment and community.
We also help them understand that they are part of a wider world, perhaps through crafts or games from around the globe, or learning about festivals from other cultures.
Learn: Rainbows learn by taking part in a wide range of activities such as trying out crafts and recipes, playing games and visiting local places of interest.
A representative from the RSPCA might come to a meeting to talk about looking after pets or a police officer might come to explain to the girls about road safety.
Laugh: Rainbows have lots of fun. Meetings involve games, songs, parties, celebrations and making a mess! Girls love sleepovers too!
Love: Through Rainbows, girls learn about caring and sharing with family and friends, working together, fair play, and being considerate and helpful to others.

Usually after a few months girls will take their Promise and will receive her special promise badge & certificate

Saturday Café

On alternate Saturdays the Church opens a Saturday Café (from 22nd October)
Opening times: 10:00am – 12:00noon.
The café is open to all and welcomes passers-by to drop in for a coffee or tea, homemade cake, toasted teacakes or toast and jam and to enjoy lots of chatter and laughter.

Sunday School

This is for children 3 Years and over during the service. Contact mandy_rushton91@hotmail.com for more details.

High Hopes for Halliwell-being:

Our aim is to continue and promote the varied activities within the community centre, to increase its use by involving more organisations using the building.

We deliver: Parent & toddler group, Chair Yoga, Thursday Friends, Walking group,  Line Dancing and will be looking at providing more activities in the coming year.

If you would like to receive our monthly calendar send an email to community@hopes4halliwell.co.uk and we will put you on our mailing list”